“Coun: John B.F. Grant Press Release “

 We have also included a press release sent out from the Lib Dem Health spokesman Coun: John Grant (Whally Range, Manchester)  Grant, who served himself over twenty years as a Medical Doctor in the NHS issued the press release on the 17th November, 2009 in which he says  that no proper consultation has be carried out concerning Manchester Citys Councils decision to Charge some  patients for attending the Day Centres many of these patients have ended up in severe debt and have stopped their attendance.

pictured: Coun: John B.F. Grant (Lin-Dems) Served Twenty Years As A NHS Doctor
pictured: Coun: John B.F. Grant (Lin-Dems) Served Twenty Years As A NHS Doctor

Press Release :- Coun John Grant.

Manchester Liberal Democrats
Council ignores what mental health
day service users say
Liberal Democrat Health Spokesman Cllr John Grant has slammed Manchester City Council for completely ignoring everything the users of mental health day servicessaid when the council started to charge for these services. In December 2008 Manchester City Council’s report on “Fair Charges” for adult services extendedto include mental health services for the first time.  In a big report the tiny section which related to day services for mental health service users went unnoticed by members of the council’s Health and Well-being Overview and Scrutiny Committee. When service users realised what was proposed they made the dangers of this proposal known. They called for an urgent review and the suspension of these charges while the review took place. They were allowed to make this statement to the Health Scrutiny Committee but there was no discussion and they were not given any assurances about response.  An urgent review did not happen and charging was not suspended. All that has happened is that the committee has received the council’s annual review of its charging for services at last week’s health scrutiny committee.   The report makes its clear the council has not attempted to assess the impact of charging on users of mental health day services in any way.

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