“The holiday celebrates the anniversary of Adam and Eve who symbolize the birthday of mankind and highlight the relationship between God and humanity.”
Link below is audio of Manchester users networks Alan Hartman on BBC Radio Manchester, fast forward to 57:14 to hear Alan talk about MMHSCT holding their AGM on the Jewish new year
Alan Hartman on BBC Radio Manchester
Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust holds it’s AGM upon the Jewish New Year, After repeated request were made asking them to not hold it upon this day, As it would mean no Jewish person nor respectivly Muslim person can attend . Friday’s for Muslims and Jews a day that starts for Muslims when they are called in the morning to prayer.. It is the eqivlent of asking Christians to attend inportant events like this upon Sunday their day of rest . This trust must always go the etxra mile to help those who nee understanding the most. MUN members are very proud to have Jewish members who have helped the people of Manchester historically and who were founding meembers of the USER MOVERMENT and subsquently the founding members of Manchester Users Network [MUN]]. We our thankful to all members of MUN who regardless of their colour or their creed have come togeather to stand united with their fellow mental health suffers. From the MUN we say to all “Leshana Tova” (A Good and Sweet Year)
to all.
Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה), (literally “head of the year”), is the Jewish New Year. The first of the High Holy days or Yamim Nora’im (“Days of Awe”), Rosh Hashanah is observed and celebrated on the first two days of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar [1] (nine and eight days before Yom Kippur). It is described in the Torah as יום תרועה (Yom Teru’ah, a day of sounding [the Shofar]).[2]
“The holiday celebrates the anniversary of Adam and Eve who symbolize the birthday of mankind and highlight the relationship between God and humanity.”