MP’s Like the Rt. Hon Tony Lloyd and The Rt. Hon John Leech MP Are Both Fighting for against the closures of Edale Hospital Unit!

MP’s Like the Rt. Hon Tony Lloyd and The Rt. Hon John Leech MP Are Both Fighting for against the closures of Edale Hospital Unit!

Rt. Hon Tony Lloyd is at the centre of the fight against the Edale Hospital Units closure; he feels the Directors of Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust lied to him. He will be going back to Westminster to bring more evidence before Parliament to try and save Edale along with Withington MP the […]

“Leshana Tova” | Alan Hartman on BBC Radio Manchester

“Leshana Tova” | Alan Hartman on BBC Radio Manchester

  “The holiday celebrates the anniversary of Adam and Eve who symbolize the birthday of mankind and highlight the relationship between God and humanity.” Link below is audio of Manchester users networks Alan Hartman on BBC Radio Manchester, fast forward to 57:14 to hear Alan talk about MMHSCT holding their AGM on the Jewish new year […]

Service User and Support Staff march with hope in their hearts to save the “Edale Unit”

Service User and Support Staff march with hope in their hearts to save the “Edale Unit”

Well-respected Service User Lois Turner, who has campaigned with fellow MUN members ever since the decline in mental health service, first started within the Manchester area. Here seen pictured with Support Worker Claire Miller, who works at the Edale Unit. Claire could possibly loose her job as a result of the closure of the Edale […]