Invitation to the North West Anti-Cuts Conference “Opposing the Cuts! Fighting for an Alternative!”
Saturday 10 November in Liverpool
9am–5.30pm UNITE the Union NW Regional Office, 2 Churchill Way, Islington, Liverpool L3 8EF
North West Anti Cuts Conference – Sat 10th November
Liverpool Against the Cuts and Manchester Coalition Against Cuts are jointly hosting a North West Anti Cuts Conference, to be held in the Unite Union Offices in Liverpool on Saturday 10th November.
Unions and Communities Fighting Back Together: Defending the NHS: Fighting Youth Unemployment and Workfare: Anti Academies: Hands off the Welfare State: Can Councillors Defy the Cuts: These are just some of the workshops.
The Conference will also be calling action.
The Tories planning even more cuts of £10 Billion or more to welfare benefits and services. George Osborne will make his autumn budget statement on Weds 5th December.
The Conference will be calling for co-ordinated marches and protest against further austerity in towns and cities across the North West. Ian from Liverpool Against the Cuts will update us on the NW Anti Cuts Conference.