Invitation to the North West Anti-Cuts Conference “Opposing the Cuts! Fighting for an Alternative!”

Saturday 10 November in Liverpool

9am–5.30pm UNITE the Union NW Regional Office, 2 Churchill Way, Islington, Liverpool L3 8EF

North West Anti Cuts Conference – Sat 10th November

Liverpool Against the Cuts and Manchester Coalition Against Cuts are jointly hosting a North West Anti Cuts Conference, to be held in the Unite Union Offices in Liverpool on Saturday 10th November.

Unions and Communities Fighting Back Together: Defending the NHS: Fighting Youth Unemployment and Workfare: Anti Academies: Hands off the Welfare State: Can Councillors Defy the Cuts: These are just some of the workshops.

The Conference will also be calling action.

The Tories planning even more cuts of £10 Billion or more to welfare benefits and services. George Osborne will make his autumn budget statement on Weds 5th December.

The Conference will be calling for co-ordinated marches and protest against further austerity in towns and cities across the North West. Ian from Liverpool Against the Cuts will update us on the NW Anti Cuts Conference.

For More Details follow link: < http: //>/ Anyone wishing to go along with MUN please contact Paul Reed via email at: –

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