Developing A Suicide Prevention Therapy for People in Acute Psychiatric Wards!


Researcher to look at new suicide prevention therapy

SuicidePreventionTrust honorary consultant clinical psychologist Professor Gillian Haddock has been awarded a £250,000 grant to look into developing a suicide prevention therapy for people in acute psychiatric wards.

Prof Haddock, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Manchester, has particular expertise in the area of psychosis, learning disability, forensic and substance use areas. Her main research interests are in the developments of psychological treatments for psychotic symptoms, the cognitive processes associated with psychosis and the measurement of psychotic symptoms.

The grant, which will enable Prof Haddock to develop a pilot study to investigate the feasibility and acceptability of a cognitive behavioural suicide prevention therapy, was awarded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

Prof Haddock said: ”Being awarded this grant is great news, as it will give the team the opportunity to see how psychological therapies can be implemented effectively in inpatient settings for those at risk of suicide.”

The grant is the latest of several received over the last few months by the Trust’s researchers, who are currently working on more than 80 mental health projects.

Credit: Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust :

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