A Week in the Life of a (Zionist) Tory Agent

The Conservative Party in Manchester has a very limited membership. We find ourselves running the affairs of four constituencies, with only a handful of those members actually willing to devote their time to the 2015 campaign in four parliamentary constituencies, in addition to running 27 local government candidates for Manchester City Council and two candidates running for Salford City Council.
Our chairman, Nick Savage, runs the master control panel between his full-time duties training as a medical doctor, and preparing for his end-of-year exams. Peter Schofield, the backbone of Manchester Conservatives, who has been working in the party for over fifty years, complains than Nick sends too many emails, but what else can he do when the powers-that-be in the higher echelons of the party keep asking Nick for updates? I imagine Nick arriving home late at night, sitting in his chair and petting his white cat, like Max Von Sydow as Ernst Blofeld in the James Bond film Thunderball, saying, “Number 2, what have you got to report from Withington Constituency?”