"Mental health is everyone's issue- we need to support friends and look out for each other and have good ties with the community. It is about looking out for each other."
By:Rebecca Cain From left: Dr Simon Lenanne, Jade Brooks, Richard Kelly, Dr Jane Melton, Dr Chris Fear, Emma Paver and Paul Deneen. MENTAL health professionals emphasised the importance of people looking after their own wellbeing at a public question time in Hereford. Six medical professionals who work in mental health for the county answered […]
The Trust Development Authority will give its verdict on how services should be provided in the city after Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust admitted it was ‘no longer viable as an independent organisation’.
MANCHESTER USERS NETWORK INFORMATION MEETING Wednesday 14th October 2015 Time, 1.30pm. Important Information, rights & news for patients!
As part of the discussion and for a later date to be proposed; that employees of the Trust and other employees or other mental health organisations, should have a “Conscience Clause” in their contract. The advantage therein, to diminish and expose unethical decisions, such as discharging ill patients, ill treatment, stepping down patients for financial reasons and diminishing the fear of sacking employees, because of whistle blowing etc.
Mental health spending across Manchester could be slashed by £1.5m next year, new figures show – despite the government handing an extra £40m to city health bosses.
The cut, revealed by a Labour Freedom of Information request, directly flouts government guidelines.
Mental health services spent millions of pounds sending patients hundreds of miles for beds last year as use of ‘out of area’ hospitals increased by almost a quarter, research by Community Care and BBC News has found.
Magic mushrooms and LSD should be legally reclassified so they can be used to treat common mental health problems, a leading psychiatrist has said.
James Rucker, honorary lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, said legal restrictions should be lifted on psychedelic drugs, which could provide an effective treatment for anxiety and addictions.
Writing in the BMJ, he said legal restrictions imposed on the medical use of psychedelic drugs, such as LSD and psilocybin, the compound found in “magic” mushrooms, make medical research into their benefits almost impossible.
CCGs are being urged by Government to ensure they boost spending on local mental health services, deputy prime minister Nick Clegg has claimed.
Speaking at a King’s Fund event on mental health services, Mr Clegg said changes in the way mental health trusts are paid and the introduction of waiting times meant there would no longer be any excuse for mental health services to lose out because of local cuts, while NHS England was ‘asking’ CCGs to increase mental health spending.
“As a direct result of ‘Patient’ (Services Users) receiving some of the poorest commissioned mental health care in the country , Manchester services user groups have been working with MACC and other mental health support groups on a Manchester Mental Health Charter; which already holds the support of Manchester Services User groups and carer groups and is presently seeking pursuant to further consultation with ‘Services Users’ and the Manchester People and which will eventually give legally binding protections from discrimination because of mental disability and should contractually enlist all members of staff who work for the three Manchester commissioning Groups who commission for Manchester mental health services for patients within their remit.”
Staatement Made By MUN Chair To North Manchester CCG Full Statement: https://www.manchesterusersnetwork.org.uk/2014/03/12/patients-put-questions-north-manchester-clinical-commissioning-group/
Below we have published three recent examples of what patients, users of mental health services (services users) in Manchester have been saying they now want in a charter for mental health. Please leave in the comments section below what you would wish to see in a Manchester charter . The three Manchester mental health commissioning bodies are listening so please add your voice and be heard “It’s Time to Be Heard”