Mental Health Awareness Week: Why relationships are important to your wellbeing

A new survey released to mark Mental Health Awareness Week shows that we value our relationships almost above all else, so why do we neglect them?

Mental Health Awareness Week: Why relationships are important to your wellbeing

BY: Kashmira Gander   @kashmiragander Healthy relationships are important for both physical and mental wellbeing iStock Whether your circle of friends grows every weekend or has shrunk down to a handful trusted confidantes, it is undeniable that we are all social creatures who seek the comfort and support of others from time to time. But as with […]

‘Now food is for more than consoling myself’: cooking for mental health

It’s not so much “you are what you eat”, but it’s now acknowledged that choosing the right kinds of foods can inspire a positive change in mental health. It is thought that 20% of the brain consists of naturally fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6, for instance. Blood sugar levels and caffeine intake have long since been known to affect mood, while low levels of B vitamins have been found to exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia.