The name of the organisation is Manchester Users Network, called “the group” in this constitution. For the purposes of this constitution a ‘user’ is defined as anybody who is mentally ill or has a mental health problem. In cases where there has been an unreasonable assessment or no medical or social assessment, the group reserve the right to define the term in such cases.
[2] AIMS
To support users and ex-users of psychiatric services in Manchester and provide a forum for users to have a bona fide say in planning and provision of mental health services.
To provide a forum for individuals and groups of users and ex-users of psychiatric services and anybody without a service who is mentally ill or has a mental health problem in Manchester. To actively campaign to further the users role in the planning, provision and evaluation of psychiatric services. To provide information on issues relevant to mental health. To promote attentive, clear and in plain language information whether given verbally or in writing by mental health providers. To develop, promote and operate a system of self-advocacy and peer advocacy. To discuss mental health issues. (g) To discuss with statutory, voluntary and other independent agencies issues with regard to users. (h) To promote and campaign for users rights. (i) To campaign to reduce the stigma associated with mental health problems. (j) To hold social and other functions to create a friendly, helpful attitude amongst members and friends. (k) To do such things that furthers the purpose of the group. (l)To promote joint working with service providers and carers. (m) To promote the dignity of difference for individuals and groups of diversity, such as ethnic minorities, cultures etc.
Membership of the group shall be open irrespective of sex, political party, nationality, race, colour or religion. All users and ex-users and others with mental health problems living or receiving a mental health service in Manchester. Honorary membership may be extended to persons who are non-users, but without the power to vote. A user employed in Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust Services is considered a conflict of interests will be restricted to honorary membership. Users that are elected local councillors or M.P. may only obtain honorary membership. The officers /committee may appoint deputies to replace officials who are unable to attend meetings. The officers/committee may invite any person to attend its meetings as an observer or guest, but without the power to vote. The officers /committee, thereinafter mentioned shall have the right for good and sufficient reason to suspend a member, provided that the individual member or group representative shall have the right to be heard by the officers committee and the right to appeal to the general meeting before the decision is finalised. The officers/committee may review the suspension from time to time.
At the *A.G.M thereinafter mentioned, the group shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and/or treasurer and any such officers as the group may from time to time decide. The group may have a rotating Chair.
The *A.G.M of the group shall be held in each year at such time (not being more than 15 [fithteen] months after the preceding annual meeting) and a place as shall the officers committee will determine. At least 14 [fourteen] days notice shall be given by attentive advertisement by the secretary to the members. All members will be requested to attend for the purpose of receiving the annual report, the annual audited accounts and appointment of officers to the group. As shall be determined by the meeting for each year, voting on proposals to amend the constitution with the exceptions noted in and specified in clause 12 and to consider full membership and any matter referred to it. .
The officers committee at the discretion shall hold an Extraordinary General Meeting within 21 [twenty one] days of receiving a written request signed by not less than two thirds of members, shall convene a special meeting of the group for the purpose of altering the constitution or considering any matter referred to it.
The A.G.M shall elect an officers committee each year, which shall not meet less 8 times a year. It will be the responsible for the policy and general management of the group. The committee will consist of the following officers Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. Election of officers shall be for one year. Vacancies occurring between the A.G.M shall be filled by a vote at the *E.G.M.
Voting: except on a matter relating to constitution all matters arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority, but in case of a tied vote, the Chair will have a casting vote. Quorum: The quorum to vote at a meeting shall be five. Minutes: Minutes books and books of accounts shall be kept by the group and all proceedings and resolutions shall be recorded. The group will develop standing orders and policies which would be implemented.
Membership of the group is free. All monies raised by or on behalf of the group will be applied to further the objectives of the group and no other purpose. Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of reasonable remuneration to any officers or servant of the group or the repayment of out of pocket expenses, which have been authorised by the group. The group shall have the power to raise money, by subscription by individual donations, or legacies, grants, aid from statutory authorities, loans and other sources. The group to agree to a set of policies and standings orders which once agreed would be implemented.
Alterations to the constitution shall receive the assent of not less than two thirds of members present and voting. A resolution for the alteration of the constitution shall be received by the secretary of the group at least 21 clear days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward. At least 14 [fourteen] clear working days notice by attentive advertisement of such a meeting shall be given by the secretary to the members and shall include notice of alterations proposed.
Complaints will be investigated by the officers/committee or special sub- committee.
If the group upon the recommendation of the executive committee shall decide to dissolve, any money or property belonging to the group, remaining after payments of all expenses and liabilities properly incurred shall be given or transferred to such other charitable organisation having objectives similar to some or all of the objects of Manchester Users Network.
The Interpretation Act 1979 applies to the interpretation of the constitution as it applies for the interpretation of the act of parliament. NB. A.G.M: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING E.G.M: EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING
Mental Health User means, a person using mental health services or someone with mental illness with no service. Service User means, a person actually / currently using mental health services. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Our address: Users Office, Park House Hospital, Delauneys Rd, Manchester **Postcode: ** M8 5RB (View Map) Office telephone: 0161 918 4343 Email us:
We welcome volunteers from all backgrounds who have had experience of mental ill health. Our office is based in Park house (North Manchester General Hospital) To get involved in improving services for other mental health users please email us Any patient who wishes to stand for office in Manchester Users Network may do so via contacting the users office at:- or telephone Administrator on Tel: 07748 115 989 an Election will be held each year.
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