Mental health should be taught in schools, like numeracy

Mental health should be taught in schools, like numeracy

By: Jo Carlowe   Schools should be at the heart of improving mental health services for children and young people, according to a report, published today. The Value-Based Child and Adolescent Mental Health System Commission’s report: What really matters in children and young people’s mental health, led by Baroness Claire Tyler of Enfield, calls for […]

Shocking figures show how the Tories are destroying mental health services

Budget cuts to mental health services are deadly, and are driving people to the edge.

Shocking figures show how the Tories are destroying mental health services

BY:SAM WOOLFE   HEALTH,   UK   The latest figures show that the number of mental health nurses has dropped by 15% since the Conservatives came to power in 2010. Royal College of Nursing (RCN) chief executive Janet Davies said: These numbers make it very clear why so many mental health patients are simply not getting the care they […]

Number of NHS mental health nurses has fallen by 15% under Tories

Since Conservatives came to power in 2010, number of specialist nurses has fallen from 45,384 to 38,774

Number of NHS mental health nurses has fallen by 15% under Tories

  Denis Campbell Health policy editor The Royal College of Nursing claims the figures proved ministerial pledges of recent years were not being delivered. Photograph: UIG via Getty Images   The number of mental health nurses working in the NHS has dropped by almost a sixth since the Conservatives came to power in 2010, figures […]