Foley former CEO presented legal papers Wednesday 1st October 2008. Sheila Foley former CEO with Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust has taken action against the Trust for discriminating against her age, unfair dismissal discrimination or victimisationon the grounds of her age and on the use of the Public Interest Discloser Act. Alan Hartman, spokesmen for Manchester Users Network said (today Monday 27th October 2008) “ Basically we are fed-up with the lies presented to our patients by certain members of the Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust, it makes it impossible for users to engage with people when they revert to such low morality”
Elected Chairman Mr Alan Hartman outside the Offices of Manchester Users Network
On 9th July 2008 the Manchester Evening News Reported the following “Ms Foley, speaking exclusively to the Manchester Evening News from Dubai, where she is on holiday, said she had stepped down because she could not commit to staying in the job for that long.
Advance notice
She took the decision to resign after being given advance notice of the findings of Mr Boynton’s report.
Ms Foley said: “It was a fair report, it does reflect the progress we have started to make and for me that is gratifying, it has been a difficult time.
Ms Sheila Foley Returning Back from Dubai Last year (2007)
“I feel really sad I have not been able to take the trust to the next stage, I didn’t feel it needed such a long commitment in terms of turning the trust around. I think we had made a lot of progress in terms of where we were this time last year and I felt I was just starting to do the job I was brought here to do.”
Manchester Users Network at a meeting on Wednesday for the purpose of discussing with Local government and Health officials ‘Serious Benefit Concerns’ and will be debating with its membership what has to be done to help those who are suffering as a direct result of events that were beyond their control.
At a prehearing of Karean Reissmann Tribunal the court was informed that it would be going into a Private Session and members of the press and those members of the public who were attending the hearing to observe that justice is seen to be done were ordered out of the court. This is a highly unusual event and could mean that the Judge has ordered it totaly within the interest of Justice. Finally justice for nurse Karen Reissmann.