New Course Points To Better Success

Mental health course hailed a success

Published on Saturday 21 April 2012 19:00

New Treatment

A DOCTOR who launched free mental health sessions for men in Newmarket has hailed the course as a success.


Dr Duncan Precious, a clinical psychologist who works for the NHS in Bedfordshire, launched the sessions to try and address the inequalities that men face in accessing appropriate mental health support.

The course began in January and ran for eight weeks at The Stable community centre in Newmarket’s High Street.

Dr Precious said: “I received incredibly positive feedback from the group, which was great.

“They all commented about how beneficial they had found it and very different from previous support that they had received.

“We finished on a real positive and it was good that they were able to share their progress with family and friends, who are such a vital support to these men.”

The sessions aimed to give men a chance to meet up, share their experiences, receive support and learn how to cope with anger, low mood and anxiety.

Five out of an initial eight men completed the course. They celebrated with friends and family at a certificate-giving ceremony.

Dr Precious said he hoped to develop the course for military veterans who struggle with post traumatic stress and men in the criminal justice system with anger and violence problems.

He added Newmarket charity Racing Welfare had expressed interest in running courses for men in the horse racing industry.

“I had at least another 10 inquiries from men who wanted to attend, but were unable to for various reasons,” he said.

“This shows that there is a need and that men want to access this kind of help.”

Dr Precious is looking for organisations to fund future courses. Anyone who is interested should email

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