Message from Jackie Daniel – IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Time for a change…

After four years at the helm, I have taken the difficult decision to leave the Trust and take up the reins at Morecambe Bay Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. As I am sure you will be aware, this is a challenging appointment and an opportunity to try to turn around an organisation that has had more than its fair share of difficulties in recent years. Nonetheless, with the support of the Chairman Sir David Henshaw, Department of Health and Monitor, I believe that I can make a real difference and help to do what needs to be done to reshape and restructure the organisation for future success.
The Board will therefore be recruiting for a new Chief Executive. However, in the interim, my deputy Tracy Ellery will become Acting Chief Executive with immediate effect. Deputy Finance Director Andrew Harrison will also step up to become Acting Finance Director during this period.
The last four years have been tremendously rewarding and I would just like to put on record my thanks to all of you for helping us to achieve the turnaround that the organisation needed. I believe that the Trust is now in excellent shape to move forward to Foundation Trust status with a stable and able team at the top.
We are entering an exciting phase in the Trust’s development as we move towards implementation of new service models which better reflect the needs of our service users. To give us time to focus on this, the team has negotiated a revised date for the Board-to-Board meeting with Monitor. This is the final step in the FT application process and will now take place in the first week of December 2012.
I know that you will continue to support Tracy and the Executive Team to build on what we have achieved and drive the organisation forward.
My thanks again.
Jackie Daniel