New Date Change of ‘Public Meeting’ Monday, 24 TH September 2012. If Your Involved In Mental Health You Need To Be At This Meeting; A Patient, A Doctor, A Director, A Nurse , A member Of The Public . This Is The Debate On Manchester Mental Health And Everyone Needs To Contribute To The Debate!
Manchester Community and Mental Health UNISON Branch
Manchester Mental Health and Social care Trust to cut Community Services which are already at breaking point by a further 20%
The Community Services review being carried out by the trust involves axing around 40 front line community posts from teams supporting over 3,000 clients and disbanding assertive outreach teams supporting over 300 hard to engage service users. Currently people with critical levels of need are being left without any support.
The Trust’s level of serious incidents and avoidable deaths is extremely high, although the Trust refuses to declare the true figure. Unlike other areas Manchester often has people at risk and sectioned under the mental health act awaiting hospital admission. This is due to the shortage of hospital beds, on which the trust admits to spending the lowest amount in the country. To cut vital community services by 20% knowing this is a public scandal!
Legal Action-Victory
Service users affected by the cuts took legal action against the trust for failing in its public duty to involve service users and carer’s and to assess the impact the cuts would have on this vulnerable population. In order to try to avoid a court case tabled for July 17th the Trust has “agreed to reconsider its decision to carry out the community services review” They say they will now properly consult their users and carer’s and carry out an assessment of the impact of these cuts before deciding to go ahead..
This is a victory for those fighting to defend services but we now need to make sure that the trust stop implementing changes and that the decision to make cuts is reversed!
UNISON demands
An immediate halt to the cuts to community mental health jobs
All vacancies in teams to be filled
A public investigation into the level of risk and serious incidents
An increase in staff and beds to safe, effective levels
Teams to provide best available practices for all service users
What you can do to prevent these cuts:
Send concerns to the Chief Executive Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust, Chorlton House, 70 Manchester Rd, M21 9UN with copies to UNISON Branch Secretary also @this address
Attend trust consultation meetings and voice your concerns
Attend union meetings and vote to support the UNISON demands
Write to your councillors and MP
Send messages of support from union branches and community groups to UNISON @the above address
Send support/ join the Manchester Users Network @Park House Delaunays Rd, Crumpsall M8 5RB 0161 918 4343 / 07729 990 566