Campaign to save Disability Living Allowance
Posted on October 17, 2012 by newsroom
Michael Moulding, Deputy Leader of the Community Action Party in Greater Manchester, who is leading the campaign to save the Disability Living Allowance, has written this short piece for us to highlight the situation.
He is also asking for as much assistance as possible to recruit signatures for the public petition launches to draw the UK Government’s attention to the need for reflection. It takes 100,000 signatures to have the chance of getting a debate on the issue in the House of Commons.
Over to Michael.
‘Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is being abolished by government and replaced with Personal Independence Payments. This change has little to do with making the system fairer but more to do with making massive savings through savage cuts in welfare. It is believed the abolition of DLA will result in the following:
1.Savings of £8.6 Billion Pounds from Disability Benefits in this parliament alone. IE £8.6 Billion removed from those currently getting
help.2.Half a million current recipients losing their benefit altogether.
3.People with ‘hidden’ disabilities/illnesses affected the most. For example blindness, hard of hearing or mental health.
4.People with physical disabilities that get other help may also get their helped stopped or reduced. For example, amputee’s that have
prosthetic legs.
‘I am not disabled. I dont receive DLA. However, the proposal to abolish DLA which has been responsible for transforming the lives of millions of UK residents is appalling and we all should oppose attacks on the most vulnerable in society.
‘Please everyone sign our petition here – and ask others to do the same – to oppose the abolition of Disability Living Allowance. Many thanks for your help.
Michael Moulding
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