While dealing with mental illness requires several different approaches to therapy, adding fish oil seems to be the easier step toward more stable moods and a much more stable life.
Having used fish oils containing EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) for many years I have obtained excellent results leading to no depression, after suffering for over ten years with it.
Article By: Charley Walker, News Editor Mental illnesses, from anxiety and depression to OCD and bipolar disorder, affect one in four of the British population regardless of age but older people are often overlooked when it comes to discussions of mental health and wellbeing. It is estimated that 85 per cent of the three […]
The following letter, addressed to Stephen Fry, is written by Richard Bentall, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Liverpool.
Mind BY: Professor Richard Bentall Stephen Fry (Pic) Dear Stephen, You and I attended the same public school (Uppingham, in Rutland) at the same time, in the early 1970s, and our unhappy experiences there have undoubtedly helped to shape our different trajectories, which have led us to a shared interest in mental health. In your […]
We need to teach men to be in touch with their feelings so they don’t spiral out of control. It’s not a sign of weakness
Oli Jones was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2013 after bouts of depression in which he had suicidal thoughts Suffered crushing lows where he wouldn’t get out of bed for days Also experienced ‘highs’ where he would barely sleep and over-exercise Is now recovered and is campaigning to raise awareness to men’s health By MADLEN DAVIES FOR MAILONLINE […]
Comedian Jo Brand is fighting to save a mental health centre threatened with closure.
The former psychiatric nurse has written to the Solace Centre after proposals by Ealing council to axe the out-of-hours unit as part of budget cuts.
Brand is among more than 1,600 people who have signed a petition condemning the council’s plans, warning that the threat of closure was adding to the “fears and anxiety” of those who used the centre. In her letter, posted online, she said: “As a former psychiatric nurse, I gained considerable knowledge of the discrimination experienced by people with mental health difficulties, as if the ill health wasn’t enough to cope with.