Taking Fish Oil Containing Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) Gives Positive Effects Upon Bipolar Disorder

While dealing with mental illness requires several different approaches to therapy, adding fish oil seems to be the easier step toward more stable moods and a much more stable life.

Taking Fish Oil Containing Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) Gives Positive Effects Upon  Bipolar Disorder

Having used fish oils containing EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) for many years I have obtained excellent results leading to no depression, after suffering for over ten years with it.  



For a long time now, some of Manchester Users Network’s (MUN) members have been taking with the knowledge and support of their consultants fish oils rich in Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

Four years ago Professor B.K. Puri, a Consultant at Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial College London, who is the author of over 100 scientific papers and more than 20 books, gave a lecture to members of the Department of Works and Pensions (NSIP), on the benefits he had been able to show upon MRI scans.

Science: Your Toxic Boss Really Is Driving You Insane

Science: Your Toxic Boss Really Is Driving You Insane

The findings, which will be presented at the British Psychological Society’s annual conference on occupational psychology, showed that employees of bosses with narcissistic and psychopathic traits are more likely to show signs of depression and to engage in bullying and other uncooperative behaviors at work.

Bishop rejects David Cameron’s mental health welfare reforms

Dr Alan Smith, the bishop of St Albans, says proposed cuts will hit those the prime minister wants to help

Bishop rejects David Cameron’s mental health welfare reforms

Daniel Boffey Observer policy editor Saturday 20 February 2016 The Bishop of St Albans Dr Alan Smith has questioned the prime minister’s stance on welfare reforms affecting those with mental health issues. Photograph: Alamy   David Cameron’s claim to be backing a revolution in the treatment of the mentally ill has come under attack from […]

Cuts blamed for ‘appalling’ rise in mental health deaths

Inquiry call as new figures show a 26% rise in the number of mental health patients attempting or committing suicide

Cuts blamed for ‘appalling’ rise in mental health deaths

BY JASON BEATTIE More help needed: figures show rise in number of mental health deaths   MPs have blamed government cuts for the “appalling and tragic” rise in the number of mental health deaths. New figures show unexpected deaths among mental health patients in NHS care have soared by more than a fifth over the […]

Fish Oil And Psychosis

In what is believed to be the first study of its kind, new research has revealed the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may be effective for reducing the risk of psychosis.

The study was published in Nature Communications and details how a 12-week intervention with omega-3 supplements substantially reduced the long-term risk of developing psychotic disorders.

ManVCam: Protesters prepare for Albert Square government cuts rally

Manchester celebrities Shaun Ryder, Terry Christian, Rowetta and Claire Mooney are to lead hundreds of protesters in a rally against ‘appalling’ coalition cuts that have affected the city.

The Mancunian icons will lead crowds in what they are calling a ‘smart rally’— an emulation of the pro democracy demonstrations that took place in Hong Kong back in September 2014.

‘Hope That There May Be Alternatives to Antipsychotics’

In 1999, Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Andrew Stoll published a study showing that omega-3 fats improved the course of illness in people with bipolar disorder.1 In 2001, he published the book The Omega-3 Connection, which was among the first works to bring attention to and support the use of omega-3 fats for depression.

Now, more than a decade later, there has been additional research supporting the importance of omega-3 fats for mental health, including a potentially groundbreaking study presented at the 2014 International Early Psychosis Conference in Tokyo, Japan, which took place in November.2

Have Children Then Study Could Be ! Healthier Option With Life Style Changes !

Have Children Then Study Could Be !  Healthier Option With Life Style Changes !

“De novo (or new) mutation in the developing sperm cell may contribute to an increased risk for a surprisingly wide range of mental health disorders, including schizophrenia, autism and mental retardation.”

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