The sick left to perish by new UK benefit rules

The UK government is said to be considering removing the right of appeal for people denied social security benefits. The implications of this are horrific.

The sick left to perish by new UK benefit rules

  The UK government is said to be considering removing the right of appeal for people denied social security benefits. The implications of this are horrific. Thursday 12 May 2011 Tags: GOVERNMENT, BENEFITS, UK   It is a scenario we should all dread, for whatever your circumstances today, nobody can predict tomorrow. Rumours are rife […]

Signed Books Giveaway! Comment and Win! books signed by Tony Benn

Signed Books Giveaway! Comment and Win! books signed by Tony Benn

BOOK ONE: “More Time for Politics” is the publication of Tonys Diaries from 2001-2007 and is signed by Tony Benn ‘To the patients of Park House’

BOOK TWO “Dare to Be a Daniel Tony Benn, Then and Now” and Signed By Tony Benn with the words in Tonys own handwriting ‘For the support of Karen Reissmann’

It’s a beautiful written book about Tonys life and times and will be a historical collection piece for when the story is told about Karen’s own heroic stand for the patients of Manchester, it would make a wonderful present at Christmas for anyone who is interested in politics.