One of only five combined mental health and social care Trusts in England and Wales, buzz has been implemented to improve the health of people in Manchester.
Bridget Hughes, General Manager for buzz Health and Wellbeing Service, believes the resource will allow the local population to live in better physical and mental health.
“We’re really excited to be launching buzz and hope that by connecting people who come into contact with our services we can strengthen communities,” she said.
“By building capacity of individuals and for the wider workforce we hope to maintain good mental and physical health for the local population.”
The new service will aim to increase healthy life expectancy by supporting individuals to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing by promoting self-care and personal resilience.
The new buzz website,, has been launched today, and includes information on how to make referrals into the service and information about recent reforms.
buzz is provided by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust and commissioned by Manchester City Council.
Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust provides a wide spectrum of mental, physical and wellbeing services, and serves an estimated 503,000 people within the Manchester City Council boundaries.
Neighbourhood Worker Rose Boyd believes buzz will have an overwhelmingly strong impact on the community, helping people of all ages in a variety of ways.
“Our strength is being out in the community working with local people and organisations to improve health and wellbeing as well as helping people make healthier choices,” she said.
“We will use engaging, fun and exciting ways to help improve access to services and give people more knowledge and choice about improving their lives.”
Image courtesy of Buzz Manchester via YouTube, with thanks.