Karen Reissmann’s TUSC campaign in Manchester

Karen Reissmann, a local nurse who is standing against Labour MP Gerald Kauffman, said, “People in Gorton are looking for change. There is a deep sense of betrayal at Labour’s failure to represent ordinary people. It cuts through every conversation, even with Labour loyalists.”
She is standing for the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition (TUSC).
Campaign manager Mark Krantz, told Socialist Worker, “When we knock on doors we say ‘I bet you are thinking about not voting’. Most people say ‘yes’.
“I think that’s why we get such a good response when we talk about Karen – she isn’t a career politician, she’s a working nurse.
“People are worried about the big cuts that will be announced after the election and like that we are talking about building a united fightback and networks of resistance.
“That also means that people want to get involved. We met someone last week who said, ‘I’ve checked you out. You’ve got serious union backing, that’s what we are going to need if we are going to form a new left wing alternative.’ He has been out leafleting his local area for Karen this weekend.
“A voter in Longsight told us on bank holiday Monday, ‘I have voted Labour for 30 years. I know Gerald Kaufmann well. But look at this area. After all this time what have they done round here? Nothing! I will be voting for that nurse [Karen].’
“On Gorton Market Karen met the union convenor for Manchester buses. He is the Labour Party agent round here – but still wanted to engage with us. He had come to the Right to Work conference in Manchester in January and was very friendly.”
Nahella Ashraf, a well known anti-war activist, is standing for the local council in the Rusholme ward.
Credit : Socialist Worker